The information on INTOSAI is provided on the INTOSAI website, i.e.
The information on INTOSAI is provided on the INTOSAI website, i.e.
The INTOSAI Governing Board recognizes the following seven Regional Organizations: AFROSAI- African Organization of Supreme Audit InstitutionsARABOSAI- Arab Organization...
The Strategic Plan calls for the General Secretariat and PFAC in coordination with other key INTOSAI bodies to gather...
Along with the four strategic goals, INTOSAI has identified five crosscutting priorities that provide the underpinning of how INTOSAI...
GOAL 1 – Professional Standards.Promote strong, independent, and multidisciplinary SAIs and encourage good governance, by:Advocating for, providing, and maintaining...
The activities and initiatives of INTOSAI focus mainly on fostering and promoting the essential prerequisites for independent and efficient...
INTOSAI achieves its mission by implementing a six-year strategic plan which covers various goals and cross-cutting priorities. The current...
The Governing Board meets annually to provide strategic leadership, stewardship, and continuity between Congresses. Therefore, following are the responsibilities...
The Governing Board is composed of 22 members who are as follows:a) the heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions...
The functions of the Congress are as follows:a) to discuss, and recommend subjects of common professional and technical interest,...