What are the cross-cutting priorities of INTOSAI under the current Strategic Plan 2017-2022?
Along with the four strategic goals, INTOSAI has identified five crosscutting priorities that provide the underpinning of how INTOSAI will focus its work to achieve its goals in the coming years:
Crosscutting Priority 1: Advocating for and supporting the independence of SAIs.
Crosscutting Priority 2: Contributing to the follow-up and review of the SDGs within the context of each nation’s specific sustainable development efforts and SAIs’ individual mandates.
Crosscutting Priority 3: Ensuring effective development and coordination among standards setting, capacity development, and knowledge sharing to support SAIs and improve their performance and effectiveness.
Crosscutting Priority 4: Creating a strategic and agile INTOSAI that is alert to and capable of responding to emerging international opportunities and risks.
Crosscutting Priority 5: Building upon, leveraging, and facilitating cooperation and professionalism among the regional organizations of INTOSAI.