What are the strategic goals laid down in the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022?

What are the strategic goals laid down in the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022?

GOAL 1 – Professional Standards.
Promote strong, independent, and multidisciplinary SAIs and encourage good governance, by:
Advocating for, providing, and maintaining International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI); and
Contributing to the development and adoption of appropriate and effective professional standards

GOAL 2 –Capacity Development
Support SAIs in developing capacity to maximize their value and benefits to society, by:
Promoting the development of capabilities and professional capacities of independent SAIs and regional organizations.
Informing INTOSAI decision-making on SAI capacity development matters; and
Cooperating with donors, relevant partners, and stakeholders

GOAL 3 - Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services
Encourage SAI cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement through knowledge development, knowledge sharing and knowledge services, including:
Producing and revising INTOSAI products.
Providing benchmarks and operating a community portal; and
Conducting best practice studies and performing research on issues of mutual interest and concern.

GOAL 4: Maximize the Value of INTOSAI as an International Organization
Organize and govern INTOSAI in ways that promote economical, efficient, and effective working practices, timely decision-making, and effective governance practices, while maintaining due regard for regional autonomy, balance, and the different models and approaches of member SAIs.

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