What does the Associate member mean? Who are the current associate members of INTOSAI?

What does the Associate member mean? Who are the current associate members of INTOSAI?

An Associate member is an international, professional, and other organizations that share the goals of external government audit. Associate Members do not have voting privilege. They participate in INTOSAI events and programs and benefit from INTOSAI’s capabilities.
An Associate member must meet the following criteria to join INTOSAI :
a) international/supranational organizations that operate on a global scale;
b) organizations directly or indirectly involved in accountability, transparency, anti-corruption, governance;
c) governmental or non-profit or not-for-profit organizations; and,
d) non-political organizations with broad-based support within the INTOSAI community
Following are the five Associate members of INTOSAI:

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
The World Bank
Organização ISC da Comunidade de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP)
Union économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Association ISC Commun l'usage du français (AISCCUF)

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