What are the Regional Organizations recognized by INTOSAI?

What are the Regional Organizations recognized by INTOSAI?

The INTOSAI Governing Board recognizes the following seven Regional Organizations:

AFROSAI- African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
ARABOSAI- Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
ASOSAI- Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
CAROSAI-Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
EUROSAI- European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
OLACEFS- Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions
PASAI- Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions

The Liaison Officer may attend project group meetings but is under no obligation to do so. When dealing with the subject matter of the project proposal/draft pronouncements the Liaison Officer should apply professional judgment for example in relation to the due process, compatibility with ISSAI 100 or in relation to any other subject matter specific information. The Liaison Officer should bring relevant issues discussed with the project group to the attention of FIPP.

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