What are the functions of the INCOSAI?
The functions of the Congress are as follows:
a) to discuss, and recommend subjects of common professional and technical interest, with a view to promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences;
b) to appoint the chairs of the Goal Committees;
c) to establish committees;
d) to endorse and amend the INTOSAI Statutes and the Strategic Plan;
e) to endorse Due Process for INTOSAI’s Framework of Professional Pronouncements – Procedures for developing, revising and withdrawing the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and other pronouncements on www.issai.org;
f) to deal with all matters brought before the Congress by the Governing Board;
g) to endorse the triennial INTOSAI budget
h) to endorse the annual report and the audited financial statements of INTOSAI;
i) to determine, upon a proposal from the Governing Board, the country whose Supreme Audit Institution will host the next Congress;
j) to elect the Supreme Audit Institutions responsible for hosting the International Journal of Government Auditing and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) for six-year renewable terms;
k) to elect eleven full members representing the Regional Organizations for the Governing Board for a period of six years, being eligible for re-election;
l) to decide as the highest authority of INTOSAI on matters concerning international cooperation of Supreme Audit Institutions;
m) to designate, upon a proposal from the Governing Board, the auditors of the Organization;
n) to decide on any matters related to this institution not covered or specified in the Statutes.