How will a working group/subcommittee prepare a project proposal for submission to FIPP? How should this be presented and what information should it contain?

How will a working group/subcommittee prepare a project proposal for submission to FIPP? How should this be presented and what information should it contain?

According to the Due Process, a project proposal should be based after a thorough initial assessment. The initial assessment should provide be able to determine:

  1. The need for the project
  2. Its purpose and organisation.
  3. The categories of auditing or other engagements that will be covered by the resulting pronouncements.
  4. How will the differences among SAIs be accommodated
  5. Challenges that may have to be overcome in implementing the new pronouncements.
  6. Consistency with existing ISSAIs and other professional pronouncements.
  7. The extent to which it will be possible and desirable to build on pronouncements from other internationally recognized, regional or national standard setters and if so, the extent to which supplementary pronouncements are needed in order to meet the needs and concerns of the INTOSAI community.

The project proposal should be presented in the template specified for this purpose ( Link to be provided). The information that is needed to complete the project proposal document is:

  1. Organisation of the project group
  2. Outcome of the project.
  3. Timeline and misletsones for ach stage of project developement
  4. Preliminary document numbers (for example ISSAI numbers) and working titles for any envisaged new pronouncements.
  5. Specify how existing professional pronouncements may be affected.
  6. Defines the quality process that will be applied in the drafting process
  7. The parties that the project group will consult with at stage 2.

The project group will be set up for each of the SDP projects, by the Goal Chairs and their subcommittees/working groups, and would consist members from one or more subcommittees/working groups and other INTOSAI bodies depending on the need of the project. For each project included in the SDP, FIPP will nominate one of its members as the project Liaison Officer.

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