How does INTOSAI promote transparency and reviews its results?

How does INTOSAI promote transparency and reviews its results?

The Strategic Plan calls for the General Secretariat and PFAC in coordination with other key INTOSAI bodies to gather and review information on progress toward the Plan’s goals and crosscutting priorities, develop a list of action items for consideration by the Governing Board, and present that information in a Performance Assessment Report.
In accordance with the Strategic Plan, this report will be provided to INTOSAI members and external stakeholders, publicized in the International Journal of Government Auditing, and made publicly available on the INTOSAI website. The report follows the structure of the Strategic Plan, highlighting progress, key accomplishments, and challenges relative to its four strategic goals and five crosscutting priorities.
Reviewing performance on a regular basis allows organizations to track the progress they are making towards their goals and gives leaders crucial information on which to base their organizational and management decisions. To assess its performance, INTOSAI implements annual reviews of progress towards each strategic objective contained in the strategic plan. The organization uses the results of these reviews to:

inform long-term strategy.
inform planning and budget formulation.
identify opportunities for continuous improvement, including risk management.
improve decision-making response time.
strengthen collaboration across the organization; and
improve transparency.

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