Registered member can write Blog or comment on the existing blog. The content is presently not moderated before posting. However, in case of any complaints or violation of ethics, KSC Secretariat reserves the right to remove the content.
Registered member can write Blog or comment on the existing blog. The content is presently not moderated before posting. However, in case of any complaints or violation of ethics, KSC Secretariat reserves the right to remove the content.
Yes, registered members are free to upload the videos and photos of their official functions of their SAIs or INTOSAI Body. The content is not moderated before posting. However, in case of any complaints or violation of ethics, KSC Secretariat reserves the right to remove the content.
The Portal allows for any registered member to upload news item in the Portal. However, we would request members to post only news related to International relations of their SAIs or those related to adoption of any standards, guidance etc. in the Portal. The content is not moderated before posting. However, in case of any complaints or violation of ethics, KSC Secretariat reserves the right to remove the content.
No, the Blogs or comments to Blogs are not validated. The content is presently not moderated before posting. However, in case of any complaints or violation of ethics, KSC Secretariat reserves the right to remove the content.
Menu "Would you like to" provides for uploading Blogs, Video, photos, news, events. It may be noted that the member has o register first or log in before utilizing the facility.
Menu "Would you like to" provides for uploading Blogs, Video, photos, news, events. It may be noted that the member has o register first or log in before utilizing the facility.