New Exposure Drafts on GUID 4900 and GUID 5330 ready for comments at ISSAI.ORG until August 27, 2020

New Exposure Drafts on GUID 4900 and GUID 5330 ready for comments at ISSAI.ORG until August 27, 2020

As part of the development of pronouncements under the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements, following two new exposure drafts have been made available in the website by PSC secretariat:  

  1. Provide Guidance on Compliance Auditing: GUID 4900- Guidance on Authorities and Criteria to be considered while examining the regularity and propriety aspects in Compliance Audit (ref. old ISSAI 4100); and 
  2. Consolidating and aligning the audit of disaster related aid with ISSAI100: Guidance on Audit of Disaster Management (to be numbered as GUID 5330). 

During the exposure phase you have the chance to comment on these drafts and contribute to clear, consistent and relevant INTOSAI Guidance which help to improve quality in auditing. The exposure drafts are open for comments for 90 days and comments can be sent in all official INTOSAI languages: English, Spanish, French, German and Arabic. 

These two exposure drafts will remain open for comments until August 27th, 2020 at

We encourage you to comment on these projects and share this information with other members of the INTOSAI community. 

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